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BMC automated deployments with Metal3

What is Metal3?

Metal3 is a CNCF project which provides baremetal infrastructure management capabilites for Kubernetes.

Metal3 provides Kubernetes-native resources to manage the lifecycle of baremetal servers which support management via out-of-band protocols such as Redfish

It also has mature support for Cluster API (CAPI) which enables management of infrastructure resources accross multiple infrastructure providers via a broadly adopted vendor-neutral APIs.

Why use this method

This method is useful for scenarios where the target hardware supports out-of-band management, and a fully-automated infrastructure management flow is desired.

This method provides declarative APIs that enable inventory and state management of baremetal servers, including automated inspection, cleaning and provisioning/deprovisioning.

High level architecture

TODO diagram


  • Management cluster

    • Must have network connectivity to the target server management/BMC API
    • Must have network connectivity to the target server controlplane network
    • Kubectl, Podman, and Helm need to be installed
    • For mult-node management clusters an additional reserved IP address is required
  • Hosts to be controlled

    • Must support out-of-band management via Redfish, iDRAC or iLO interfaces
    • Must support deployment via virtualmedia (PXE is not currently supported)
    • Must have network connectivity to the Management cluster for access to the Metal3 provisioning APIs

TODO we need a more detailed support matrix of vendors and BMC firmware versions.

Setup bootstrap cluster

The basic steps to install and use Metal3 are:

  • Install an RKE2 management cluster
  • Install Rancher
  • Install a storage provider
  • Install the Metal3 dependencies
  • Install CAPI dependencies
  • Register BareMetalHost CRs to define the baremetal inventory
  • Create a downstream cluster by defining CAPI resources

Install Metal3 dependencies

If not already installed as part of the Rancher installation, cert-manager must be installed and running

A persistent storage provider must be installed, Longhorn is recommended but local-path can also be used for dev/PoC environments, the instructions below assume a StorageClass has been marked as default otherwise additional configuration for the Metal3 chart is required.

An additional IP is required, which is managed by MetalLB to provide a consistent endpoint for the Metal3 management services. This IP must be part of the controlplane subnet, and reserved for static configuration (not part of any DHCP pool).

First we install MetalLB:

helm repo add suse-edge
helm install \
metallb suse-edge/metallb \
--namespace metallb-system \

Then we define an IPAddressPool and L2Advertisment using the reserved IP, defined as STATIC_IRONIC_IP below:


cat <<-EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: IPAddressPool
name: ironic-ip-pool
namespace: metallb-system
priority: 100
- matchExpressions:
- {key:, operator: In, values: [metal3-ironic]}

cat <<-EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: L2Advertisement
name: ironic-ip-pool-l2-adv
namespace: metallb-system
- ironic-ip-pool

Now Metal3 can be installed:

helm install \
metal3 suse-edge/metal3 \
--namespace metal3-system \
--create-namespace \
--set global.ironicIP="${STATIC_IRONIC_IP}"

Note that it can take around 2 minutes for the initContainer to run on this deployment so ensure the pods are all running before proceeding:

kubectl get pods -n metal3-system
baremetal-operator-controller-manager-85756794b-fz98d 2/2 Running 0 15m
metal3-metal3-ironic-677bc5c8cc-55shd 4/4 Running 0 15m
metal3-metal3-mariadb-7c7d6fdbd8-64c7l 1/1 Running 0 15m

Install Cluster API dependencies

TODO - update this to use the Rancher turtles operator instead

Install clusterctl 1.6.x, then install the core, infrastructure, bootstrap and controplane providers

clusterctl init --core cluster-api:v1.6.0 --infrastructure metal3:v1.6.0
clusterctl init --bootstrap rke2 --control-plane rke2

Add BareMetalHost Inventory

To register baremetal servers for automated deployment it is necessary to create two resources, a Secret containing the credentials for access to the BMC, and a Metal3 BareMetalHost resource which describes the BMC connection and other details:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: controlplane-0-credentials
type: Opaque
username: YWRtaW4=
password: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
kind: BareMetalHost
name: controlplane-0
cluster-role: control-plane
online: true
bootMACAddress: "00:f3:65:8a:a3:b0"
address: redfish-virtualmedia://
disableCertificateVerification: true
credentialsName: controlplane-0-credentials

Note the following:

  • The Secret username/password must be base64 encoded. Note this should not include any trailing newlines (e.g use echo -n not just echo!)
  • The cluster-role label may be set now or later on cluster creation, in the example below we expect control-plane or worker
  • bootMACAddress must be a valid MAC which matches the controlplane NIC of the host
  • The bmc address is the connection to the BMC management API, the following are supported:
    • redfish-virtualmedia://<IP ADDRESS>/redfish/v1/Systems/<SYSTEM ID> : redfish virtualmedia, e.g SuperMicro
    • idrac-virtualmedia://<IP ADDRESS>/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1 : Dell iDRAC
  • See the Upstream API docs for more details on the BareMetalHost API

Create downstream clusters

We now create Cluster API resources which define the downstream cluster, and Machine resources which will cause the BareMetalHost resources to be provisioned, then bootstrapped to form an RKE2 cluster.

Controlplane deployment


Worker/Compute deployment


Next steps

Planned changes

Additional Resources

Single-node configuration (experimental/unsupported)

For test/PoC environments where the management cluster is a single node, it's possible to avoid the requirement for an additional IP.

In this mode the endpoint for the management cluster APIs is the IP of the management cluster, thus is should be either reserved when using DHCP or statically configured.

TODO example of how to do this with NodePort, if we want to include it in the docs?